I am believer
I believe that the Holy Spirit lives in me
He is my seal
He is my nature
He convinces and reminds me of my righteousness
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
All my sins have been blotted out
All my sins have been wiped
I cannot be condemned
I have passed from death to life
There is no condemnation to me, for I am in Christ
I am the forgiven. I am the holy. I am the accepted. I am the blameless
I am the focus of the love of God
I have been immersed into the name of Jesus
I have His authority. So, I cast out devils
My zeal is my making. I direct my passion, I direct my zeal
I lay my hands on the sick and they are healed
I lay my hands on people and they are filled with the Spirit
I lay my hands on people and they begin to function in the things of the Spirit
My hands are blessed
My hands are supernatural tools for ministry
When I lay my hands on people, the supernatural happens
And when hands are laid on me, I receive the enablements of the Spirit
There are no impossibilities to the power of God in me
I walk in love
I live a life of honour
I don't treat the gifts of God with dishonour or familiarity
I watch my words. I say the right things
I am the manifestation of the glory of Christ
I am not my own. I am the work of Christ.
I am the glory of Christ
I am born of the Spirit
I come from outside human experience
I come from outside of the flesh
I am born of God. I am clean
The Spirit of God is my nature
I belong to God
I don't have two fathers
I only have one
I am born of God
I am a child of God
I am what He says I am
I have what He says I have
I can do what He says I can do
Glory to God!